Thank you so much for considering adopting! Once we have received your application, because we are all volunteers and many of us work full time, it may take a week to hear from us, although we try our best to start your application process sooner. Please watch for a welcome email and forward the requested information. If we do not receive your information, we will be unable to process your application. ADOPTION FEES: When you adopt one of our animals from ODAAT, your adoption fee covers the next animal in need we take in. Our fees are based on age, not breed. We rescue ANY animal in need. We also take in the worst of the worst abuse and neglect cases. Rarely do we get an animal in that has even seen a vet. Our dog adoption fees are as follows: 8 weeks to 1 year $450 plus $27.00 PA Sales tax, 1 year to 3 years $400 plus $24.00 PA Sales tax. 4-7 years $350 plus $21.00 PA Sales tax. 8 years and up $300 plus $18.00 PA Sales tax. All dogs will be wormed, flea treated, up to date on shots, microchipped, spayed and neutered (unless medically unable to be), Lyme tested over 6 months of age, if positive we pretreat prior to symptoms with 30 days of Doxycycline and Preop bloodwork 5 years of age and older with dentals when needed. ALL animals will be altered prior to adoption... no exceptions unless deemed medically unable to be by a veterinarian. Thank you for your interest in our organization, we look forward to guiding you through our Adoption process!! Please know that ODAAT is an all-volunteer Humane Rescue group, so please be patient with us through this process. Any questions please feel free to contact us at, Someone should touch base with you within a 1 week period of time as soon once we receive the requested information. Thanks in advance for considering Adopting!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Which animal are you interested in? Choose an animal: Alex Banjo Banzai Bea Beth Bluey Bonnie Bubba Carlita Cloe Deitz Dugan ED Eleanor Ethel Goldie Hawn Gypsy Rose HELENE Laveena Levi Mara Max Memphis MILTON Moko Nash Nikki Noelle Oscar Poppy Regina Rex Romeo Rosie Sarafina Shadow Simon Kitty Skyy Theodore Toby GSD UBBA Walter Wilson Winston Wittle Petie
Are there any other animals you may be interested in?
List the name and ages of all members of your household*
Do all members of your household agree to bringing in another pet?* Choose one: No Yes
Please list all animals currently in your home. Include whether they are spayed or neutered, up to date on vaccinations, gender, age, type of animal and breed?*
Have you ever applied for or adopted any animal from any rescue, shelter or this rescue?
Are there any situations that would cause you to return or give away your animal?*
Please list all previously owned animals and what happened to them? (Gave away, accident, illness, etc)*
Where will the dog be kept when you are not home?*
Have your children lived with pets in the past?*
Do any members of your household have allergies to dogs/cats?*
Does your home have a doggie door?* Choose one: No Yes
How many hours a day will your pet be without human companionship? Please explain:*
What kind of housing do you live in?* Choose one: Apartment Townhouse Duplex Ranch Two Story Mobile Home
Do you own or rent?*
If you rent, we must be able to contact the landlord to obtain permission for this dog to live in your home. Property's owner name & phone number:
Do you plan to move any time soon?*
Do you have a fenced in yard?* Choose one: No Yes
What type of fence do you have?
If no fence is installed, how will you keep the dog on your property?
Do you live near a busy road?*
If the dog/puppy is not housebroken, what methods will you use to train it?*
What methods will you use to exercise the dog?*
If you go away on vacation who will take care of your dog?*
Please list your current veterinarian including their phone number and name on account. Also, please call you vet to let them know we will be contacting them for a veterinary reference. *
Is it OK for us to contact your current veterinarian?* Choose one: No Yes
How much are you willing to spend on medical bills for your dog?* Choose one: 0-$500 $500-$1000 Whatever it takes
What would you do if vet bills went over this amount?*
Do you use Flea & Tick Meds and Heartworm meds? If so, what kind?*
If something should happen to you, ex: an unforeseeable event such as a medical issue, hospitalization, or death, do you have a friend or family member who would be willing to take your animals into their home? If so, who and what is your plan? Please provide name and contact information. *
Please list the name, phone number and email addresses of 3 personal references.*
Are you willing to have an ODAAT representative come to see where the dog will be living?* Choose one: No Yes
Please select YES or NO that you understand that by completing an application with ODAAT, this does not guarantee an adoption. Each application is reviewed and although multiple homes may be suitable for that particular animal, we must, with the help of the foster family, process only those applications chosen that best match both the needs of the dog and the family. While we understand this may sadden and frustrate some individuals, please know we sincerely appreciate your willingness to consider adoption and encourage you to continue your search for the perfect family member.* Choose one: I Agree I do NOT Agree
I agree that if I MUST surrender this animal for any reason after the adoption, I WILL surrender/return the dog/cat/animal back to ODAAT President or Vice President and to no one else unless it has been authorized by ODAAT's president or Vice President. If ODAAT has to take me to court to obtain custody of said animal(s), all court fees, lawyer fees, and misc. fees will be the adopter's responsibility no matter the out come of the case.* Choose one: No Yes
I agree to all of the following: I am 21 years or older. I can provide identification showing my present address. If I rent, I have the knowledge and consent of my landord. If I am adopting, I am able and willing to spend time and money neccessary to provide training, medical treatment, and proper care for a pet. If I am fostering, I am able and willing to spend the time necessary to care for a pet.* Choose one: No Yes
How did you hear about us?*
I (print name) born on (Date) fully understand and agree to assume any and all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for One Dog At A Time, also known as ODAAT in my capacity as a volunteer for this organization. Here in after jointly known as RESCUE. I understand and agree to hold RESCUE harmless for any injury or injuries which I may sustain during the course of my volunteer duties for RESCUE including, but not limited to: the risks of being bitten, scratched, injured, or frightened by cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies or any animal under my care as a volunteer for RESCUE. I understand and agree that RESCUE is not liable for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs, or expenses whatsoever that I may suffer or sustain in connection with the performance of my volunteer activities unless they are the result of RESCUE gross negligence (defined as: a carelessness and reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, which is so great it appears to be almost a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety) or intentional misconduct. I will indemnify, defend, and hold RESCUE harmless from and against any claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, losses, costs, or expense whatsoever sustained by any companion animal or any person in connection with my intentional misconduct or grossly negligent performance of volunteer activities for the RESCUE or with my breach of RESCUE’s rules, regulations, policies, and programs. If I will be sheltering or providing foster care or boarding for any RESCUE animals in my home or business, I consent to RESCUE visiting my home or business from time to time to observe the animals and their living quarters. I also agree that these visits may be unplanned or unscheduled prior to the actual visit. This Hold Harmless Agreement will forever prevent me from seeking any legal actions whatsoever against the RESCUE organization or any of its representatives. If you agree to the above please enter your Date of Birth, name and that you agree to the terms of the Hold Harmless Form.*